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Worried About Your First Holiday Abroad? With Thomas Cook, There’s Nothing to Fear.

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Planning your first holiday abroad? Confused and scared about how things will be there? Many of us have a lot of apprehensions when we think about travelling abroad for the first time.

Some of us fall prey to it and don’t go ahead with the plan. While others take the plunge and explore unknown territories. This is for those of you who are still on the fence. Check out some of these solutions to your apprehensions, before you make a final decision.

We look at such concerns and guide you on how to overcome them so that you can enjoy your first holiday abroad with an international experience.

1. Budget crisis

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Exorbitant flight prices and expensive accommodation might seem like a huge amount to spend, especially when you haven’t saved enough. Setting aside a travel fund is a good option if you can’t afford to spend a huge chunk of money, or are overwhelmed by it.

Don’t let those money woes deter your travel plans. Open a holiday savings account with Thomas Cook for your travel plans and earn attractive interest rates at the same time.

Read This: The A to Z of Holiday Savings Account

2. Fear of scams and theft

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Have you been bombarded with a stream of scam articles about your tourist destination? Is that what’s stopping you from planning your next trip across the border?

Although safety is of the utmost importance, many articles can exaggerate or paint a bleak picture of your country of choice. Therefore, don’t disregard the articles, just protect yourself.

Make sure you get travel insurance to safeguard yourself from any possible losses or theft. Walk-in to the nearest Thomas Cook branch and get insurance for various purposes such as loss of checked-in baggage and passport, missed flight connection, and insurance for the emergency hotel.

3. Unfamiliarity with international transactions

Since this is your first time travelling abroad, you might not have a clear idea of how you are going to convert your currency and make transactions. You might have to research a little bit. But it’s become much easier these days with major banks offering international debit cards and foreign savings accounts.

If you are still confused about your bank’s rules for international transactions, then just get the Thomas Cook Forex card. It’s easy to avail and gives you amazing benefits such as zero fee on transactions, a free backup card and a 24/7 helpline to assist you.

 Also  Read: International money transfer: what is the safest way to send money abroad?

4. Visa Woes

Visa Woes-first holiday abroad

This might be the most dreadful part of travelling abroad. Standing in those visa lines might seem like a lot of trouble for that one international holiday.

With Thomas Cook, you don’t have to worry anymore about your Visa woes. Get your Visa in just 4 easy steps on Thomas Cook Website.

5. Health problems

Health problem-first holiday abroad

You wouldn’t want to spoil your first international trip because of health issues. One way to enjoy your trip without worrying about your health is to carry all personal and relevant medications on your trip. However, you can’t plan every eventuality. There may be times when you need emergency medical assistance.

This can be expensive in foreign countries. Even a simple checkup can severely impact your budget.

So, if your health issues are becoming a worry, consider investing in solid travel insurance.  At Thomas Cook, we offer some of the best overseas travel insurance plans that cover your medical expenses in foreign countries.

6. Plan your first trip with Thomas Cook

Thomas cook -first holiday abroadTravelling abroad needs a lot of planning and preparation in advance and if you are doing it alone, it can seem like a mountain you can never cross. Luckily, you don’t need to do this alone.

At Thomas Cook, we provide you with end-to-end travel solutions.  There are no travel issues that Thomas Cook can’t solve. From visas to insurance for your belongings and health, we take care of everything. So walk-in, fearlessly to your nearest Thomas Cook office and plan your next big holiday with us.

Check out our International Tour Packages and plan your next big holiday with us.

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