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How to Reach french guiana

By Air

If you are taking a flight, then you should fly to Cayenne-Rochambeau Airport and there are some locations that you can reach by taking direct flights. It is connected to popular airports that include Paris, Miami, Paramaribo, Guadeloupe and Martinique.

By Road

You can also reach here through car by crossing over the Oyapock River Bridge. The bridge is held in place by cables and connects Oiapoque, Brazil with Saint-Georges d I'Oyapock, French Guiana. Crossing this bridge is an adventure in itself. You can also opt for the car ferries. You can also take a bus, and reach the border if you are coming from Suriname or Brazil. Then, you can cross the river in a motor boat. You can also take a ferry and bring your car along. The ferries come from Suriname, Brazil and from other countries as well.

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